How to Change Screen Saver Windows 11: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide - Live2Tech (2024)

Changing the screen saver on Windows 11 is a straightforward process that can give your computer a fresh look. You can customize it to your liking by following a few simple steps. In just a few minutes, you’ll have a new screen saver that suits your style.

How to Change Screen Saver Windows 11

The following steps will guide you through the process of changing your screen saver on Windows 11. You’ll learn how to navigate settings, choose a screen saver, and customize its options.

Step 1: Open Settings

First, press the Windows key + I to open the Settings app.

By using this shortcut, you can quickly access the Settings menu without having to search for it manually. This saves you time and effort.

Step 2: Go to Personalization

Next, click on "Personalization" from the list of options.

The Personalization section is where you can change various aspects of your computer’s appearance, including the screen saver.

Step 3: Select Lock Screen

Then, from the left-hand menu, select "Lock Screen."

The Lock Screen menu contains settings related to what you see when your computer is locked, including the screen saver.

Step 4: Open Screen Saver Settings

Scroll down and click on "Screen saver settings."

This will open a new window where you can select and customize your screen saver.

Step 5: Choose a Screen Saver

In the new window, use the drop-down menu to select a screen saver.

You can choose from several built-in options, like "3D Text" or "Photos." Each option has its own unique style and features.

Step 6: Customize Your Screen Saver

Click on the "Settings" button next to the drop-down menu to customize your chosen screen saver.

Depending on your choice, you can adjust various settings such as text, images, and performance.

Step 7: Set Wait Time

Next, set the amount of time your computer should be idle before the screen saver activates.

This is done via the “Wait” box. You can set it to a few minutes or as long as you prefer.

Step 8: Apply and Save

Finally, click "Apply" and then "OK" to save your changes.

This confirms your new screen saver settings and makes them active.

After completing these steps, your selected screen saver will activate after your computer has been idle for the specified amount of time.

Tips for Changing Screen Saver Windows 11

  • Make sure to preview each screen saver before finalizing your choice to see how it will look.
  • If you choose a screen saver that uses images, make sure the images are high-quality for the best appearance.
  • Adjust the wait time based on how often you leave your computer idle.
  • Remember to save any work before the screen saver activates if you have set a short wait time.
  • Use the “Settings” button to further personalize your screen saver for a unique look.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I turn off the screen saver?

To turn off the screen saver, go to the Screen saver settings window and select "None" from the drop-down menu.

Can I use my own photos as a screen saver?

Yes, you can use your own photos by selecting the "Photos" screen saver option and choosing the folder where your images are stored.

Why can’t I see the Screen saver settings?

If you can’t see the Screen saver settings, make sure you are in the Lock Screen section of Personalization. Scroll down to find the link.

How do I change the text on the 3D Text screen saver?

Click the "Settings" button next to the "3D Text" option in the Screen saver settings window to customize the text.

What should I do if my screen saver isn’t working?

If your screen saver isn’t working, make sure your computer’s power settings are not set to turn off the display before the screen saver activates.

Summary of Steps

  1. Press Windows key + I to open Settings.
  2. Click on Personalization.
  3. Select Lock Screen.
  4. Click on Screen saver settings.
  5. Choose a screen saver from the drop-down menu.
  6. Customize your screen saver using the Settings button.
  7. Set the wait time for the screen saver.
  8. Click Apply and then OK to save changes.


Changing your screen saver on Windows 11 is a quick and easy way to personalize your computer. Whether you want to use photos of your favorite memories, sleek 3D text, or something else entirely, Windows 11 offers several options to choose from. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effortlessly modify your screen saver to better suit your style and preferences.

Don’t forget to explore the customization settings to make your screen saver truly your own. If you’re looking for more tips on personalization, be sure to check out other features in the Personalization menu. Now, go ahead and give your screen a fresh new look!

How to Change Screen Saver Windows 11: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide - Live2Tech (1)

Kermit Matthews

Kermit Matthews is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with more than a decade of experience writing technology guides. He has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science and has spent much of his professional career in IT management.

He specializes in writing content about iPhones, Android devices, Microsoft Office, and many other popular applications and devices.

Read his full bio here.

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How to Change Screen Saver Windows 11: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide - Live2Tech (2024)
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