The Leo Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025 (2024)

The Leo Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025 (1)

The Leo Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025 (2)


  • July 22, 2024

The Leo Birthday Report July 2024 to August 2025 for Premium Members of the Jessica Adams website.

Happy Birthday Leo!

Your forecast takes you from July 23rd, 2024, until August 22nd, 2025, the last day of your sign.

For Premium Members, I’ll look at the next 12 months based on your decan. This ancient Egyptian system of dividing the horoscope into three based on your birthday, and is a key part of the new book, Your Birthday, published by Hachette worldwide on October 15th, 2024.Pre-order here.

I will use your solar and natal chart to look at the astrological weather from July 2024 until August 2025. Are there exact aspects to your Sun? You can find out in this new way of looking at your birthday year. Note: Decans can sometimes vary by a degree depending on your birth time, date and place. When in doubt go to your Premium Member chart to check. Thank you.


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The Leo Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025 (4)

The Leo Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025 (5)

Jessica Adams

Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Bloomingdale’s and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology – Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins).

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14 Responses

  1. Hi Jessica,
    Happy Birthday to you and all fellow Leo’s. This is brilliant Thank you! Im hoping for a BIG BREAK this year.. Am I right in thinking things will get much better for us 2nd Decan Leos…. November is when my final court date and hopefully an end to oppression.. I crave Freedom….
    Thanks Jade


    1. Thank you. Second Decan Leo women have many years of foreign escapism to look forward to, as Neptune slowly begins to transit Aries and your Ninth House of emigration, travel, academia, publishing and the ‘world’ aspect of the worldwide web. Once Saturn has left Aries, where it is initially, any restrictions are also gone. What emerges is a holiday from the real world for many years into the future.


  2. Thank you so much for this, Jessica. And happy birthday to you, too. Second decan here, too. Lots going on here on the work front, club/team-wise (my amazing Taekwondo team mates and my choir girls) and with my awesome two preteens (the youngest has his birthday today, actually!) ❤️
    What I’m beginning to be curious about is how and when potential new love would perhaps show itself in my life and my chart. As someone from my past stirs up feelings (a Virgo Sun), I wonder about that. Or perhaps I should look out for a foreigner over the next year? All the best from Denmark.


    1. Thank you. Waving to Denmark. With Pluto in Aquarius in your Seventh House of marriage and de facto relationships, it is only a matter of time before you find yourself with quite a powerful person in front of you, with quite a lot of influence and clout – probably in their profession. There may be property there too. The ‘when’ is most likely to be December, January, February when Ceres in Aquarius joins Pluto in Aquarius and you begin to see the Sun going into Aquarius too. This may be someone from your past or a completely new face. You have a Libra stellium in your natal Seventh House which will be trine Ceres and the Sun. Later on in the years ahead Jupiter goes into Libra and marriage seems extremely likely.


  3. Hi Jessica,
    Thanks for the uplifting Birthday Horoscope. 2024 has been horrible.

    Could you give me insights for future?
    – I have been pushed out of my job despite delivering good performance. I am now looking for another job, will I be ok financially?
    – I am considering divorce from my husband of 18 years. He is a Cancer born on 23 July 1979 in Jakarta.
    Will my life be ok if I proceed with the divorce?

    I am trying very hard to be positive and move forward. But it is very hard.

    You always give me one of the best bday gift Jessica: HOPE – through your astro writings. Thank you.

    Bless you, stay healthy and happy.

    Regards, Ika (Ipey)


    1. Thank you Ika (Ipey). You will find another job or even a completely new lifestyle – and it will be radically different, liberating and come your way quite suddenly. So keep looking, but with Uranus in your solar Tenth House, and the end of Pluto in your solar Sixth House, I’d say it’s 2025 and onwards. The politics with others undermining you, in no doubt a rather pathetic way, will stop in November when Pluto quits Capricorn. Then, you have 2025 and beyond to really use Uranus in Taurus with all its liberation. Your divorce will proceed in November, December, January, February when you have Aquarius weather in your Seventh House of separation and your Cancer husband has the end of Capricorn weather in his own Seventh House of separation. Christmas is the end point, psychologically and emotionally. Will you be okay financially? The tests and trials end in stages from 2025. Will you remarry? It is very likely and this time around you will be one half of a power couple.


  4. Hi Jessica, I desperately hope you read this message and can give me some guidance PLEASE! I have been eagerly
    awaiting for the year ahead birthday forecast. I am in the process of a marriage breakdown after my husband cheated on me and then after I found out made me contact the woman to help her start seeing him again! He had no real remorse or guilt. Their relationship didn’t work out (she wasn’t as serious about him as he thought) and he now wants to come back to me. We have a 7-year-old son and I am a stay-home mother. I want a divorce as I can not stay in a marriage where I am shown such disrespect. I know he will do this again as he has a history of cheating (I am his second marriage), and I know deep down he does not really love me anymore and he has shown me how committed he isn’t to me. He became besotted with this other woman and would have left me for her (he denies this and says he was hoping to just keep her as a girlfriend on the side!). He had a long career in the military and has PTSD and has become incredibly selfish with how he thinks. I think he has some degree of narcissism. We are currently living in England and he is under a family visa. My husband loves living here and another reason for him wanting to stay married I think! I saw a message where he said he couldn’t leave me yet because his visa was still linked to me! I found some cold-hearted messages between him and his sister, who knew he was in love with someone else. I have been very hurt by what he was saying about me. My husband has already talked about me not being entitled to half of the house as he paid for most of it. I have a few investment properties that have mortgages on them and he is going to try and make out I can support myself on these. I am very concerned about my financial future and wondered if you could give me some guidance. My husband earns good money and we have a very comfortable lifestyle. It is me wanting to leave the marriage but I am worried about my quality of life thereafter. Can you please help and give me some guidance? My husband’s date of birth is 30th Nov 1971 10.10pm Melbourne. I am very angry and I think I want to punish him. I also don’t want to experience this again in my 50’s. I am a dual citizen of Australia where all of my immediate family live. We are discussing leaving England altogether and moving back to Australia. The other option is having two households here in the UK – I would need to stay married to him for longer for his visa if we went forward this way. I love England and this is where my heart is. Our son is also about to enroll in a lovely independent school here as well and we are all so excited about his new school. I just don’t know what is the best way forward for me personally. He doesn’t want to get divorced so will make it harder for me. He is trying to hang onto our family and isn’t forthcoming with finding ways to finish our life together. I would love to hear what you have to say PLEASE Jessica! Thanks Leo


    1. I am sorry your husband has committed adultery. You are a Sun Leo woman with Pluto in Aquarius in your Seventh House of marriage. Pluto is power. The Seventh House is the scales of justice, both moral justice and also the law. You are his second wife. The kicker is, he is on a family visa. He is dependent on you, or perhaps just rather reliant on you, for the financial benefits that come with that, in England. You are correct when you say that is why he wants to stay married to you. Pluto will often give you the upper hand on the transit and you had this in 2023, 2024. It also takes the reins from you too, so you go through an odd phase of having real power then not having it at all. This is happening with the mortgage but also with the ‘win’ of the morally bankrupt woman who had sex with your husband behind your back. He is a Sagittarian and you have a son together. Your son is about to go to a new school in England but you also have Australia in mind. There is a lot of The Clash in this situation. Should I Stay, Or Should I Go? I doubt you’ll spend longer than 2024, 2025, 2026 deciding. The rest of this year, next year and 2026 are the big switch years for some key cycles. He gets Uranus (shock, liberation, freedom, instability, independence) in his Seventh House which rules you, but also his ethically empty women. The natural luck and protection of Jupiter in Gemini ends in June 2025 and is replaced by the world turning upside-down, for several years, with you, or her. Also in 2025, 2026 we see the start of Saturn and Neptune in his Fifth House of fatherhood, and children. This suggests new restrictions on access, but also heavy limitations on getting out of a situation too. This need not just be about your son. It may be about his illicit lover’s own children, you see. Or the risk of pregnancy (no doubt calculated by a female) on the wrong side of the blanket. This period, the rest of 2024, 2025, 2026 also sees the end of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in his Fourth House of property, family, citizenship and residency. So you see…the weather is rolling in. It’s the end of an era for him then. In your own chart, as a Sun Leo woman, you have Pluto in Aquarius for 20 years. Were you to end it with him there would be another partner eventually. You also need to be aware of the game-playing and time-wasting manipulation of situations which can occur with Pluto transits. Don’t succumb. Best to see a lawyer and get advice. Don’t do that yet; do it when Mercury Retrograde has left Leo, your own sign, which concerns your married name on paper – so try from mid-September and discreetly enquire. Keep it legal and if possible, given the emotions involved, be detached. You are not the first woman who has gone through this scenario and there will be specialists in Britain who can help you with your very specific issues. It’s not going to get better by itself, unfortunately. He’s rather like a gorilla in that he has made a power play, beating his chest, to prove to you that he can attract other females. Yet the joke is, you have the power for so many other reasons, not least of all because his son no doubt realises you’re Queen. Everyone else is just Nell Gwynn. So, this doesn’t go away and it will take you being proactive. The other issue is Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in your Eighth House of sex, death and money. This is the legal contract of marriage (Until death do us part) but also the inheritance where he names you, and you name him, and you both name your child. 2024, 2025, 2026 also bring the end of an era here. A chapter closes. As if that was not enough, yes, Australia (or another country) most certainly shows up. This is 2025, 2026, 2027 and beyond with Neptune and Saturn in Aries in your Ninth House of emigration and foreign residency. A couple of things you can do. Chat to an expert lawyer and maybe get a second opinion. Then get into the habit of using the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle on this website in a regular, relaxed way so you can trust your own E.S.P. which the cards channel. This can be a huge rock to lean on and a great, quick help in the days ahead.


  5. Hi Jessica,
    Much Thank you for your attention and inputs!

    How is it looking like for me, a second decan Leo hoping to getting married and emigrate by this year end ? My Diana in Gemini 1 degree is conjunct his Sun and Panacea. Our Pluto in Scorpio are conjunct too. Uranus and Neptune are conjunct in Capricorn ( I have only regarded maximum 1 degree difference for conjunction).


    1. Both marriage and emigration are entirely possible, long-term. Pluto is in Aquarius, firmly and finally, for 20 years, from November 2024. The marriage would likely make you a power couple if you can use your willpower and self-control. Pluto goes into your solar Seventh House of engagement, weddings and then (if the gods are with you) Silver and Golden wedding anniversaries ahead. The transit of Neptune and Saturn in your solar Ninth House of permanent relocation begins next year, in 2025 and will take you past 2030. In your natal chart you have Jupiter in Libra and I should have thought Jupiter transiting Leo, sextile natal Jupiter in Libra in the Seventh House of marriage, will be the clincher. So that’s not 2024 and it’s not 2025, but it is 2026, 2027. This fits the timing.


  6. Thank you Jessica ! I missed to tell you that he is already in Luxembourg and wants to buy a house there. I will restart my career there. Since he is richer than me, I think the events coincide with your annual leo predictions – which is the possibility of marrying a rich person (due to transits in the house of joint finances) , freedom in paid role ( my office project got finally frozen on 21st July right on Capricorn full moon) and I am free to restart my career now and then again later abroad. I have just hired a personal trainer and dietitian to lose pandemic weight. I also would like to tell you that all of the astrology delivery worked. ( I received a surprise double huge lumpsum from my previous employer as soon as Jupiter landed in Taurus last year and by March I had come across many potential partner).

    Astrology rocks esp. with you!


    1. Yes, this sounds like a match with a richer man, which could easily be your Luxembourg chap. I am glad you succeeded with Astrology Delivery. The double lump sum sounds great. And thank you for the compliment.


  7. Hi Jessica,

    Life hasn’t been the easiest the last few years. In 2019 I found out my work visa couldn’t be extended and I had to move back to my home country. In 2020, the pandemic hit and I lost my father to COVID. In early 2021, I met with an accident and broke several bones, after which I struggled with my health. Things started feeling better last year as my visa situation was sorted, I was able to emigrate back, and I got a new job after Jupiter moved into Taurus. Through all of this my personal life has taken has toll and I’ve not been in a relationship since 2020. Hoping for some positive changes in this area of my life that can eventually lead to a family.
    As always thank you for your generosity in answering your reader comments


    1. You have really been put through the wringer by these transits. You have done very well to emigrate back to your own country. You would like to marry and have children. You are a Leo with a whopping stellium in Leo in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne. When Jupiter goes into Leo in 2026, 2027 I’d say a wedding and baby is extremely likely. In your solar chart you will have Pluto in Aquarius in your Seventh House of engagements. In your natal chart, as you can see, you have huge growth, solutions and opportunities for a bigger and better existence, both in terms of sex, but also babies. This also includes stepchildren. So, for example, you may marry someone who already has a son but has lost his girlfriend. You can have a relationship before then, of course. It may develop into commitment for 2026, 2027. Or you can have a relationship which isn’t the real thing, but find someone who is one half of a power couple with you later on. Pluto in the Seventh House rules powerful couples who deal with issues about willpower and become empowered as a result of that.


The Leo Birthday Horoscope 2024 to 2025 (2024)
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