Caffeine and Ingredients (In-Depth) – Energy Drink Hub (2024)

Made by the same company that makes Dr. Pepper,Venom Energyis a pretty typical sugary energy drink, featuring caffeine, b vitamins, and probably a little more sugar than necessary.

But what exactly goes into these cans and how are they nutrition-wise?

In summary, a 16 fl.oz can of Venom Energyhas 160 calories,160mg of caffeine, and 40g of sugar, along with some B vitamins and various other nutrients.

If you want a more in-depth analysis of the caffeine and other ingredients that go into a can of Venom Energy, read on – you’re in the right place.

Let’s get started..

Page Contents

Venom Energy Nutrition Facts

For starters, let’s look at the basic nutritional facts of both the Regular and Low-Calorie version of a16 fl.ozcan of Venom Energy Drink:

Typical ValuesVenom Regular
(16 fl.oz)
Venom Low-Calorie
(16 fl.oz)
Energy160 calories10 calories
(Of which Saturated)
(Of which Sugars)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)36mg36mg
Vitamin B64mg4mg
Vitamin B1212μg12μg

Venom Energy Drink Ingredients

Here’s a list of Venom Energy’s ingredients:

  • Carbonated Water
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Glucose
  • Citric Acid
  • Maltodextrin
  • Taurine
  • Sodium Citrate (Preservative)
  • L-Carnitine
  • Inositol
  • Sodium Benzoate (Preservative)
  • Potassium Sorbate (Preservative)
  • Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)
  • Natural Flavors
  • Sucralose
  • Ginseng Extract
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6)
  • Guarana Extract
  • Caramel Color
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)

Analysis of Venom Energy Drink Ingredients

High-Fructose Corn Syrup

High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is an artificial sugar that is one of the unhealthiest ingredients present in Venom Energy.

While HFCS does improve the taste of Venom, there are plenty of reasons whyHFCSis bad for you when taken in excess, such as:

  • Adding an Unnatural Amount of Fructose to Diet
  • Increasing the risk of fatty liver disease
  • Increasing the risk of obesity
  • Increasing the risk of weight gain
  • Linked to diabetes
  • Contains no essential nutrients.

While this sounds pretty bad, we can assume there isn’t an unsafe amount of HFCS present in a single can. So as long as you’re not chugging down 2 to 3 cans of Venom a day, HFCS shouldn’t be that much of a risk.


Taurine is an amino acid that’s often added to energy drinks, including Venom, and it’s noted to have many potentialbenefits.

Taurineis a pretty common ingredient in various energy drinks, thoughRed Bull‘s taurine is most well-known, mostly due to the various rumors surrounding itssourcein the energy drink.

As for how effective Taurine actually is, thesciencedoesn’t really prove that there are immediate benefits from having taurine, so you should probably take any potential taurine benefits with some skepticism.


Inositolis a vitamin-like substance created in the body that is responsible for maintaining chemical balance in the body as well as assisting the function of insulin.

While it supposedly has a positive effect on the nervous system, we don’t know how much inositol is present in Venom. Hence, we can’t really come to a definite conclusion as to if it’s really effective or not in this case.


L-Carnitineis an amino acid that’s produced in the body, which helps turn fat into energy.

A prettysufficientamount of it is already produced by the body, so if you’re a relatively healthy individual, the possible benefits you might get from its presence in Venom Energy is likely pretty minimal.

In addition, we have no idea how much L-Carnitine is actually present in Venom, so it’s hard to tell if there are sufficient amounts to work as a dietary supplement.

On the bright side, this also means that there’s probably not enough present to cause you any serious harm, so that’s definitely a plus.


Maltodextrinis a thickener and preservative which adds a dietarily insignificant amount of sugar, though even small amounts canraiseyour overall blood sugar levels.

Since there’s already a high amount of sugar present in Venom, maltodextrin isn’t really an issue considering there’s already plenty of other things present in Venom to raise your blood sugar.

However, you might want to keep the additional sugar maltodextrin contains in mind if you ever happen to come across a sugar-free energy drink with maltodextrin present.

Ginseng and Guarana Extracts

Guaranais a plant native to Brazil that boasts an impressive range of stimulants (caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine) and variousantioxidants.

Researchsuggeststhat it both reduces fatigue and also gives you a quick boost, which isn’t exactly surprising when you consider that a majority of guarana’s composition isactuallycaffeine,

While you may knowginsengas a traditional herb, it has plenty of possible benefits,including:

  • Anti-Inflammatory properties
  • Improved brain function
  • Boosting Your immune system
  • Increase energy levels
  • Lowering of blood sugar

Both these ingredients are definitely nice to have in an energy drink, but considering we don’t know how much of either extract is actually in Venom Energy, it’s best to take their benefits with a helping of salt.


B-Vitamins are a staple in any energy drink, and, of course, they’re present in Venom Energy as well.

Although not as potent as actual B-Vitamin supplements, the B-Vitamins’ presence in Venom Energy is definitely appreciated, giving you some well-needed nutrients amidst all the sugar.

Here’s a table listing the B-vitamins in Venom, but if you still want more information onB-Vitamins, click on the link to see a handy resource created by Harvard.

PurposeAmount per 16 fl.ozTolerable Upper Intake Level
Vitamin B2Assists in cell growth, energy production and breakdown of fats.3.2mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)Helps body release energy; keeps skin healthy.36mg35mg
Vitamin B6Store energy from protein and carbohydrates; formation of red blood cells4mg100mg
Vitamin B12Release energy from food; forms red blood cells; keeps the nervous system healthy12µg

Venom Energy Calories

There are 160 calories per 16 fl.oz can of Venom Energy, which is definitely a lot of calories for an energy drink.

If you long for the good old days when energy drinks were chock full of sugar, Venom certainly has you covered.

Considering that the recommended daily calorieintakeis around2000 calories for women and 2500 calories for men, the fact that a can of Venom has around 8% of your daily requirements is pretty startling.

That’s a lot of calories to burn, even if you live a relatively healthy lifestyle, and you should definitely consider opting for another brand if you want to stay on the healthier side of things.

But if you really need to raise your blood sugar, and give yourself a quick burst of easy energy, then, Venom should suit you just fine, just be sure not to have too many cans back-to-back.

As a quick side note, even with the high amount of calories, a can of Venom isn’t exactly a suitable replacement for a full and nutritious meal, as it really doesn’t have a well-rounded set of nutrients.

So if you’re feeling hungry, go for a healthy meal instead of an energy drink; it’ll work out better in the long run.

How Much Caffeine Is In Venom Energy?

There’s 160mg of caffeine in each 16 fl.oz can of Venom Energy Drink, which is actually pretty average for an energy drink of its size.

For context, a 16 fl.ozRockstarandMonsterboth have 160mg in them too – the same as Venom.

While Venom’s 160mg of caffeine is higher than what I would usually prefer, that’s not to say that you might not find it beneficial or even enjoyable, especially since everyone has a differentcaffeine metabolism.

As always, theFDArecommends a daily caffeine limit of no more than400mgper day, as too much caffeine may lead to some serious side effects,such as:

  • Insomnia
  • Shakiness
  • Anxiousness
  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Stomachaches
  • Nausea
  • Headaches

So, be sure to not double down on Venom with other caffeinated beverages such as coffee or tea, or else that energy boost might end up as a mild headache if you’re not careful.

How Much Sugar Is In Venom Energy Drink?

Every 16 fl.oz can of Venom Energy has 40gof sugar, which is on the higher end of the sugary energy drinks spectrum.

40g is about 3½ tablespoons of sugar, which is a lot more than what you should be having in a full day, let alone in a single can.

And given that the American Heart Association(AHA) recommends a daily added sugar limit of25g for women and 36g for men, a can of Venom Energy is definitely not the healthiest thing you could be having as a pick-me-up.

If you happen to be diabetic, it’s safe to say that you should probably avoid Venom Energy and opt forsome healthier options instead.

In the long term, having too much sugar over a long period of time can lead to some serious health problems, mostnotably:

  • Weight Gain
  • Type II Diabetes
  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • Acne
  • Increased risk ofdepression

Plus, the high sugar content means you are almost definitely going to end up with a sugarcrashwhen Venom Energy wears off, which isn’t something you want to experience, especially if you still need to stay alert for longer.

In any case, be sure you know what you’re getting yourself into when choosing Venom, and always be mindful of your health when you’re indulging in any energy drinks, regardless of the brand.

Does Venom Energy Use Artificial Sweeteners?

In addition to the high amount of sugar, there’s also an artificial sweetener present in Venom Energy, namely Sucralose.

As sucralose is a zero-calorie sweetener, it won’t affect your overall diet due to the lack of calories, which is why it’s often used in sugar-free energy drinks to add sweetness despite the lack of sugar.

However, since there’s alreadyso muchsugar present in Venom Energy, the zero-calorie benefit of sucralose is rendered rather useless.

In any case, whilecontroversiessurrounding artificial sweeteners do exist, theFDAhas approved of them for general use, so you should be fine as long as you have them in moderation.

Besides, it’s probably the actual sugar content in Venom that you should be worried about instead.

It’s actually kind of rare to see an energy drink use both regular sugar and also use artificial sweeteners. It’s not something unique to Venom, but it’s not very common, especially when there’s alreadyso muchregular sugar included in the ingredients list.

Venom Energy Flavors

There’s only a handful of notable Venom Energy flavors available, and I’ve listed them below:

Venom Regular

  • Black Mamba
  • Death Adder
  • Killer Tapian
  • Mojave Rattler
  • Black Cherry Kiwi

Venom Low-Calorie

  • Citrus
  • Strawberry Apple
  • Watermelon Lime

For a deep dive on Venom Energy Drinks, here’s a video review for you to check out.

How Many Cans Of Venom Energy Should You Have A Day?

Venom Energy Drink
(16 fl.oz)
Daily Max Limit
Calories160 calories2000 calories/2500 calories
Sugar40g25g / 36g

I personally suggest that you have, at the very most, one can of VenomEnergy every other day, owing to its high sugar content.

There are plenty of energy drinks on the market that aresuitable for daily use, but Venom, unfortunately, is not one of them in my opinion.

While the caffeine content in Venom may not be much of an issue, the high calorie and sugar content is going to cause some serious health problems, especially if you have more than one can in a single day.

Adding onto that, Venom also contains High-Fructose Corn Syrup, which isn’t a great addition if you’re looking to maintain a healthy figure.

As such, only crack open a can of Venom when youreallyneed a sudden burst of sugar to get you going.

Venom is undeniably a tasty energy drink, but be sure not to go too overboard with it, especially if you live a fairly sedentary lifestyle.

For more details on how many Venom Energy Drinks can you consume, I made an in-depth article “Can You Drink Venom Energy Drink Every Day?” so definitely check that out.

Does Venom Actually Work?

Venom does actually work. However, because we do not know how much of each component is included in the product, there is no way for us to say with absolute certainty whether or not those other vitamins and supplements are effective.

Drinking energy drinks like Venom Energy Drink can provide a number of benefits; however, consuming an excessive amount of these beverages can result in serious health issues, which can cancel out any additional advantages (if any) that may be provided by the product.

Is caffeine the main ingredient in energy drinks?

Energy drinks typically contain caffeine as a primary ingredient, which acts as a central nervous system stimulant. They also incorporate other ingredients like sugar, herbal extracts, and vitamins to enhance their energizing effects.

While caffeine plays a significant role, the interactions with other ingredients are not fully understood. Considering individual tolerance and health conditions is crucial when deciding to consume energy drinks.

Are caffeinated drinks healthy?

The healthiness of caffeinated drinks can vary depending on factors like moderation and individual circ*mstances. Caffeine is generally considered safe in moderation and can provide temporary benefits like increased alertness.

However, excessive consumption and drinks high in sugar and additives can have negative effects. Sensitivity to caffeine varies among individuals, and certain groups may need to limit or avoid it. Considering healthier alternatives and consulting with a healthcare professional can help make informed choices about caffeinated drinks.

Is It Okay To Drink Venom Energy Every Day?

It is not okay to drink Venom energy every day. It is not acceptable to consume a Venom Energy Drink on a daily basis because a single can of Venom Energy Drink contains an excessive amount of sugar, which can result in a variety of potentially serious health issues.

The idea of drinking Venom Energy Drink has the potential to influence you to engage in behaviors that are not healthy, and this is true even if you are an adult who prioritizes their health and takes good care of themselves.

Venom Energy Alternatives

If you’re looking for other great energy drinks that are similar to Venom, here’s a quick list to get you started:

  • Bang
  • Red Bull
  • Reign
  • 3D Energy
  • Celsius
  • NOS
  • C4 Energy
  • Raze Energy
  • Game Fuel
  • AMP Energy

There are also some greatpowdered optionsfor you to consider as well, which give you the benefit of being able to adjust the servings to your own specific taste:

  • Zipfizz
  • G Fuel
  • Advocare Spark

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  • Is Venom Energy Drink Bad For You? (Facts Only)
  • Venom Energy Drink Review (All in One)
Caffeine and Ingredients (In-Depth) – Energy Drink Hub (2024)
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