A halo symbolizes a mind set on Christ. Horns symbolize - #250517611 added by Vandeekree at grudging deafening leafy (2024)


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Please understand, the concept of friendly monsters is, at its core, what is killing western nations. Melding it with religion is going to bring the Christian concepts down, not elevate the Lilliths.

In other words, this is just rapping for Jesus all over again.




An eldritch tentacle creature with horns and gnashing teeth is a monster only in design if you portray it as a peaceful being that practices faith in Christ, which is a pretty obvious ----ogy for human beings. We're the worst monsters on the planet, but only if we succumb to our sin.




A halo symbolizes a mind set on Christ. Horns symbolize a mind set on Satan. Gnashing teeth symbolize an overabundant apatite which has taken over. The tentacle is the appendage of the alien deep ocean, an unknown hand of chaos which threatens to grasp at you from a place you cannot live or breath in the waters you cannot drink.

If you depict something like that, you are saying that this is the monster of the unknown that hungers to eat in service of Satan. To depict it worshipping Christ is to depict it going against its nature. This is to sew confusion into the language. Confused language is not the way of anything good. It would be like a preacher walking in wearing a shirt with an upside down cross and skulls, as though he is on the side of anarchy and passion. Or a bride entering her wedding wearing a skimpy and slu*tty dress as though she were not planning to be faithful and reserved but is open to intercourse with anyone.

The inversion of symbolic language has a place, but it must be done very carefully and only in the right context or else it will do more harm than good.




I sincerely think you're over----yzing things. I can get behind what you're saying about this demon called Lilith, but I think the intent in a person's heart is something that really matters. If someone draws a weird creature praying to Christ (such as those cringey DeviantArt drawings of Sonic praying for example) as a way to express their faith and there's no other intent behind it, I don't see the issue. But I can see the problem that arises with media like Hazbin Hotel and this weird Steam dating game OP posted that subvert demons into friendly creatures.

I'm not arguing against the importance of symbolism or saying that demons that hide behind facades aren't real. But I don't agree that a drawing of a horned beast is inherently problematic. Where The Wild Things Are depicted monsters that looked scary but were actually friendly, was that also a problem for the reasons you describe?




"but I think the intent in a person's heart is something that really matters"
The point of symbolism is to reveal the heart of a character through visual or narrative features in order to show the reader the follies or virtues of that pattern of life.

If you show the opposite of the contents of their heart in their symbolic make up then you are teaching the message that external expressions don't matter so long as your intentions are good. Anyone who accepts that message will imbibe false realities. That pitbulls are just like any other dog as long as you raise them right. That foreigners are the same as us if you just teach them. That you can live in harmony with grizzly bears and they won't devour you and your girlfriend alive. That the men in dresses just want to express their true self and are in no way using it to get close to your children.
At its core, the message is one of bitter waters. It is a break down of structure for the sake of beauty. Would it be beautiful if the monsters were all just misunderstood? Of course it would. But preaching that sends fools off to be eaten by the monsters they try to hug. I mean that literally. It kills people.

"If someone draws a weird creature praying to Christ...as a way to express their faith and there's no other intent behind it, I don't see the issue"
Symbolically showing something as a monster is a transformation into that pattern of monstrous living. To come to Christ is to transform into something good and pure. To depict a monstrous pattern of life praying is to draw a false pattern. A monster is unworthy to pray to Christ. It is the depiction of a pedophile saying "I won't stop raping children, but I wish to come pray to God." If he will not give up his monstrous pattern of life then he is not praying to God at all. He is at best a mockery and at worst a blasphemer.
I imagine that you don't see a problem because you don't take Christ seriously enough.

"But I don't agree that a drawing of a horned beast is inherently problematic"
Of course just drawing a monster isn't bad, so long as you draw it as a warning to protect people when they encounter its symbolic reality in the real world.

"Where The Wild Things Are depicted monsters that looked scary but were actually friendly, was that also a problem for the reasons you describe?"
No, Where The Wild Things Are is not a problem because it properly depicts monsters as monstrous. The boy throws a tantrum, dons a wolf costume, and gives in to his primal emotions. He joins the monsters. They are friendly because he has become a monster like them. They do monstrous things together. But in the end, the monsters settle down and so does the boy. When things settle down, he desires to leave the monstrous world and return home to a warm supper. This is an important lesson. It is the lesson of Halloween and why Halloween is a good Christian holiday.
Let children become monsters for a time. It will show them that all the fun of being a monster is unsustainable and the longer you do it, the more it wears you out. You can't sustain being a monster all the time. It starts exciting but becomes exhausting, confusing, and you get tired of it quickly. Then you will long to return to the calm and boring normalcy of life. You will understand that chores and rules keep the monsters away.

So kids can have a little monster time, as a treat. But if you tell them the monsters are good and should be let into the house then...well... Go read "There's no such thing as a dragon" or "If you give a mouse a cookie." Both good books that teach the lesson.

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"I imagine that you don't see a problem because you don't take Christ seriously enough."
Let's not start making assumptions about each other. I'm a very flawed person but I absolutely take Christ seriously, I'm just not agreeing with some of your sentiments.

Can you - in preferably the simplest and easily understood way possible - elaborate on what you mean by "it kills people"? How do we go from someone appreciating artistic depictions of physically grotesque creatures being kind to being mauled by a bear in real life? Are you referring to situations where someone goes out thinking they can walk up to a wild animal and pet it, only to be torn apart? Because I think that's more the result of living a sheltered life in suburbs far away from nature or any practical life lessons about how dangerous the world is. And keep in mind we're talking about fictional beasts and demonic-looking creatures here, not cutesy depictions of bears or sharks.

Where my mind is at is that drawing a monster praying to God is an allegory for us as humans because we are sinful and wrathful no matter what we do. We have horns and teeth and claws and it's inherent to human beings. We literally cannot avoid being sinful, which is the entire point of being saved through Christ. You don't just lose all those nasty features and become perfection in this flesh once you start practicing faith.

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"Let's not start making assumptions about each other"
It's not an assumption. There is not a human being alive who takes Christ seriously enough.

"elaborate on what you mean by "it kills people"?"
I mean a man literally tried to prove grizzly bears were just misunderstood and he and his girlfriend were mauled and eaten alive. I mean there have been dozens of people, mostly women, who have gotten pitbulls and claimed they were misunderstood and were mauled to death. I mean there have been countless children who were taught that the human soul is inherently good and it is circ*mstance that make them evil and it has lead to parasitic, vampiric, and necromantic relationships that have lead to abuse, rape, and murder.
This is a universal pattern that defines people's lives. It is one of the modern day religions that people don't even notice is a religion at all. It ruins lives and it ends lives and has lead to the nation ending insanity we are currently witnessing in the West. When the counter swing comes and you see people killing foreigners in the streets because their monstrous nature has been noticed and started a Frankenstein style public execution mob across multiple nations, know that it was the logical conclusion of the pattern you are saying you see no problem with. We can already see it beginning in Ireland right now. Contentious people that they are.

"Because I think that's more the result of living a sheltered life"
What do you think sheltered people are being sheltered from? From the monsters of the world. The boy who wants to fight you and steal you girlfriend is a werewolf. The sociopath who wants to make you think he's got it all figured out is a vampire. The fear mongering politician is a mummy. The guy at school pressuring you into trying drugs is a swamp thing. Outside the city walls are dragons. Inside the walls are amazons and dog men. If you don't know about them, you are sheltered.

"not cutesy depictions of bears or sharks"
The instant you make the animal cutesy, you have made it a half man. Real dogs don't smile at you. Real bears don't talk. Giving them human attributes makes them half-men and thus monsters. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to call them half-children. It seems you've been sheltered seeing as how you don't see these obvious monsters.

"a monster praying to God is an allegory for us as humans because we are sinful and wrathful no matter what we do"
Then notice the skins that Adam and Eve were covered in to hide their nakedness after they sinned. Those animal skins are monstrous coverings. They fled from God and covered themselves. If you want to come before God, you must be naked. Moses took his shoes off before approaching the burning bush. Job removed his robe said "Naked I came from my mother, and naked I shall return to God."
If you do not shed the monstrous parts of you, then you cannot come to God. For if it is part of you, it cannot be removed. But if it just what you value, then it can be revalued as worthless sin and discarded.

"We literally cannot avoid being sinful"
Then all of Christ's teachings about discarding all passions of the flesh and "go and sin no more" were all just him telling us to do what he knew we never could? No. Many have cast off all sin. But that does make for a convenient excuse, should you not wish to have to do so but still think you are saved.




Bruh. You told me you imagine I don't see a problem as a result of not taking Christ seriously, in the context of describing the dangers of monsters with pedophiles as an example. That is an assumption you've made of my character. If that was intended to be a blanket statement about everyone universally then you worded it extremely poorly.

Once again I'm not entirely in disagreement with your overall sentiment but I think you're massively over----yzing things and imbuing elaborate meaning in things that are either pretty surface level or are already fairly obvious to most people, but spread out across long paragraphs of cringe pseudo philosophy. Obviously a person who is raised seeing cute depictions of dangerous animals risks being mauled because they weren't taught any better, and we understand the broader implications of that problem. This is not news to anyone. If people continue to make that mistake it's because the stupidity of humans is just something that exists and can't always be avoided. And before you autistically misconstrue that in order to continue sounding wise, no I'm not saying we should just not care about this issue.

When we get into the discussion of fictional creatures you start, as I said, imbuing your own deeper meanings. "Creatures with tentacles hide their mouths. In this way, you cannot see what they want." Like, what? Unless you're referring to something very specific from the Bible, I can't even imagine where you're pulling that from.




"If that was intended to be a blanket statement about everyone universally then you worded it extremely poorly."
It is both at the same time. A universal to all people, by which I can indeed know you. A reminder to encourage you to know yourself in a moment where you have lost sight of yourself.

"but I think you're massively over----yzing things and imbuing elaborate meaning in things that are either pretty surface level"
Then you cannot see the logical conclusion of what occurs when a mind allows itself to take on that view of reality. Which is fine. Hardly anyone saw that letting gay people get married would lead to men who cut their dongs off trying to convince children to do the same. But we few did, and here we are.

"but spread out across long paragraphs of cringe pseudo philosophy"
Heh. That's what everyone who doesn't understand it says. Classic.

"no I'm not saying we should just not care about this issue."
Right. You're saying we should do what we can. What I have outlined is something more we could do. You do not see the need because you are among the children who do not understand why being told an animal was friendly was a dangerous thing. Of course, not with child level animals but with adult level spirits. The next step up in complexity. You don't see the danger.

"Like, what? Unless you're referring to something very specific from the Bible, I can't even imagine where you're pulling that from"
A simpler example. A fat man stuffs his face with food in front of us. I say to you "That man is a pig." Do you check his ears to see if they flop? Do you look down the back of his pants for a curly tail? Do you test his DNA to see what percentage of that of a swine? Of course not. You understand that I am saying he is acting out the pattern of a pig in his way of life.
If I warn you that a man is a rat, you do not expect him to eat cheese. You know he is untrustworthy because he only cares about himself.
If I say that a man is my dog then you know I consider him trustworthy and loyal.
These are patterns of reality. The way in which animals live echo the way in which men live. Which is dictated by what they fill their focus with.
This is a language unto itself. A compression of a larger pattern that expresses an entire life pattern in a single animal. This allows the exchange of concepts that would otherwise take large amounts of time to explain all the details of the context and meaning.

If you do not understand, then it is because you do not speak the language. To say that someone speaking another language has no meaning behind their language is a silly thing to do. Spoken only to protect one's pride at the slight shame of being left powerless to understand.

So do you want to understand or do you just wish to save your pride and spend your time doing something more enjoyable? I'm happy to outline this language for you, but not if you're going to get defensive simply due to your lack of ability to easily understand it.




I want you to take this to heart, you have a serious superiority and overconfidence issue, and I implore you to take some time to reflect on the way you speak to others. On your profile you say the following "I am an ignorant and lost mind seeking truth. What is obvious to others
is not obvious to me. And so I ask for answers to see if anyone can
explain things to me." But this is never reflected in any of the discussions I see you take part in. You're like a priest at a podium spouting and filling people's heads with bullpoop, and you're too confident in how wise you think you are to ever be steered in any other direction.
I'm not trying to insult you, I'm sincerely trying to explain this to you. Your mindless, rambling paragraphs are nonsense and you do not know what you're talking about. Have some god damn humility.

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I know nothing about religion, what does "elevate the Lilliths" mean? That phrase sounds neat.




Lilith is a demon of the false wife. She was said to be Adam's first false wife before Eve was created for him. She is the demon that tempts men into forgetting good and right marriage relations with a woman in marriage and instead seeking after his low urges.
Her face changes to your desire. Every depiction of a tempting female in any media form is Lilith in another form. Tugging at your loins and tempting you into lustful sins. Each of the monster girls depicted here is just another form of Lilith. Designed purposefully to lure in young men to play some game and spend some money. To give a small piece of their life to get a hint of peasure.
In this way, Lilith devours your soul bit by bit. Every americanht spent masturbating instead of something real and productive. Every perfect photoshopped female that warps your mind into finding the cute girl down the street not so attractive because she has minor flaws when compared to the perfection of Lilith.
So many young men of our age have fallen to her temptation. She is among the most powerful demons in this age.

Now imagine a nun. Humble, homely, and plane. She is tempting no one. A good woman who loves Christ. But imagine someone draws her. Narrows her hips, swells her breasts, makes her face a bit more fertile with red lips and blushing cheeks signaling arousal. Lilith has taken her face. Seeing her does not make a man wish to join her in prayer to Christ. Seeing her makes a man lust. It does not increase Christianity, but rather is just elevates Lilith.
That is what this game is doing.




How do you decide what monsters are worthy and which aren't?




It's pretty simple. Monsters that serve Jesus are good. Gar---les that protect the outside of churches, for example. Winged lions that guard the gates of cities. Merciful fay creatures that trick but don't keep. Saint Christopher.
Any monster that stands between you and a bigger monster is a good monster. It still needs to stay outside your house, as that is its proper place. But it is good.




Please understand, the monster is made from its actions. No more, no less.

It could be a 50 tentacled slug monster from jupiter, and so long as it neither raped nor ate children, it would still be morally superior to the canadian.




Right. The concept of each monster is made from the real world actions of human beings. The monsters serve as a warning for real dangers that are chronic but so veiled that they must be personified in human-inhuman hybrid creatures.

By showing them as friendly, you break the warning. No different than when that children's cartoon showed spiders as harmless but was banned in Australia because spiders there are very much not harmless.

Depicting a tentacle monster as friendly is the psychic equivalent of portraying smoking as cool. You're going to convince a few people and they aren't going to know the danger.




What do you think the tentacle monster is supposed to be warning people about in real life?




A tentacle is a type of hand. But it is a hand from an alien world below the ocean. The ocean is the place of bitter waters when men cannot live. Thus the tentacle is a type of control for a world not of our own. If you let the tentacle have its way, it will turn the dry land to ocean. It will turn the air to water. It will bring about change of a type that brings chaos to your world.

Creatures with tentacles hide their mouths. In this way, you cannot see what they want. A wolf's sharp teeth tell you it wants to eat your flesh. At least you know this. A pig's dull teeth tell you it wants to eat everything, so at least you can feed it. The mouth gives away what the animal desires to consume. But tentacles hide the mouth. You cannot tell what it wants. You cannot tell its desire, thus it is mysterious and unknowable. I'm sure you have seen this from the Japanese. Tentacles monsters do not always want to eat. Sometimes they wish to procreate with human women to produce something unknowable and turn our world more into their world by birthing it into the next generation.

The chaos it brings and your lack of ability to see what it wants makes it impossible to categorize. Without a category, you can't know it. If another person knows about this strange being, then they appear to be insane to you, for their mind is perceiving things that you can make no sense of. They have clearly drank sea water and lost their mind.

Indeed, often men can be found worshipping things with tentacles. Speaking of how the tentacle things want into our world and to turn our world to their ends. Strange cults makes sacrifices to the tentacled things and women give birth to children who are half man and half ocean creature.

In DnD the tentacled Mind Flayer takes over minds and turns humans into more Mind Flayers. Coming down from the void above and yet somehow already there in the oceans below before mankind even walked upright.

This is why tentacles are found not just in the ocean depths but in the void of space too. Space is an ocean, after all. We traverse it in ships and things float in it. Just like the sea, we cannot live there. If you met a being from the void, it would surely have tentacles.
Lovecraft knew this. He saw the madness. He warned of the things that can drive you insane.

So what is this warning about in real life? Do you have the wisdom to see it?
Who's hands bring about strange things from another world? Who is insane and tells you to make sacrifices to unseen things above and below you? Who's children are half fish? Who's desires are hard to pin down? Who would take over your mind and drive you insane just like they are? Who would tell you "That is not dead which can eternal lie, / And with strange aeons even death may die."

Can you tell me?




Listen, I think bears are screwing adorable looking but I am not retarded enough to not know that they will eviscerate me within seconds of me approaching them. If someone out there cannot come ,or will not, comprehend that then not only should they die to the monsters of the world but I want them to; as a product of natural culling for they lack the survival instinct

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Sure. But are you retarded enough to look at images of pixels in the shape of a naked woman on a screen and fixate on it with the same arousal as if it were real, letting it slowly suck hours and days of your life away with each passing time you come back to it, lusting for more pleasure that replaces any normal human relationship with a real girl? That is a monster called Lilith.




Calling a bear a monster is a ---- move. It's an animal that acts like an animal would. If it freaked out and mauled your ass because you blitzed through it's clearly marked territory, then it has the same rights to do so as if you shot a bear that barrelled through your living room. Every now and then we get actual monsters in the animal kingdom like the Tsavo maneaters.

Or monstrous pranksters like Sweetheart. Goddamn do I miss you Sweetheart.




I get the sentiment but literally every monster in our history is an animal

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  • visceral noxious opposing 134012.1 hrs
  • vanilla hellish limitless 111611.6 hrs
  • valuable condemned equal 130713.6 hrs
  • Im going on break 166315.9 hrs
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  • the battles you all wage in the politics channel 90111.6 hrs
  • sturdy sulky self-taught 88412.2 hrs
  • existent apportioned regular 102513.9 hrs
  • literary correlated inert 77211.2 hrs


A halo symbolizes a mind set on Christ. Horns symbolize -  #250517611 added by Vandeekree at grudging deafening leafy (2024)
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